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 Disclaimers and Waiver


By  PARTICIPATING, VIEWING, AND/OR SIGNING this document in any way , You certify that I am 18 years of age or older, (and/or one of the following )  the "Participant", "Responsible Party", "Company Representative" or the "Parent or Legal Guardian" of the “Minor(s) associated, and HAVE  READ, UNDERSTAND AND AGREE WITH ANY AND ALL STATEMENTS HEREIN.




I "The Participant" acknowledge that it is my responsibility to understand and obey instructions and rules for any sport or other physical activity or use of equipment, and to seek help from the coaching, athletic training, and other staff if I have questions. I understand that, notwithstanding precautions taken by Boston University, however, there are risks of serious injury and/or death.  




Before deciding to participate in Training of any kind offered by the Real Brothers Academic, Life & Athletics Training Company, the Participant should be aware that all physical activities can carry a high level of risk, and therefore may not be suitable for all individuals. By participating in any activity offered by Real Brothers, Sisters & Associates LLCs, and its affiliates states that I am aware, understand, and are in agreement with the knowledge that “certain elements of this training are or can be physically and/or mentally taxing”, and in some cases potentially hazardous, and with this knowledge agrees to indemnify and hold harmless RBSA LLC,'s and its affiliates from all losses caused by negligence, accident or incident of any kind during the performance and execution of techniques or instruction provided by the RBSA LLC,'s its Instructor, and/or his/her assistants, and any third parties who may be affiliates of the same class, event, or seminar.



I understand that Real Brothers Academics, Life and Athletics Training Company and its staff will do everything in their power to avoid any injury to all participants. I am fully aware that by playing or practicing in any physical activity involves risk of injury/illness. I understand that because of the nature of the activity, contact and physical exertion will occur and that injury during the activity is possible. Therefor I, for myself, and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives, and next of kin, HEREBY AGREE TO INDEMNIFY, RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS, RBSA LLCs  (known herein as THE COMPANY), and its affiliates Events, Camps, Seminar and Training, game site host, their agents, assistants, volunteers, medical personnel, officers, employees, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers, owners or lessors of any premises used to conduct the event from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, liability, damage or costs, including and with respect to ANY AND ALL INJURY, DISABILITY, DEATH, court costs and attorney fees, or loss, or damage to person or property that they may incur due to my participation in said activity, WHETHER CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE OF THE COMPANY OR OTHERWISE while participating in such activity, or while in, on or upon the premises where the activity is being conducted, and  hereby RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE RBSA LLCs or affiliates.  By participating in any activity offered by the COMPANY states that I am representing that I understand and are in agreement with the understanding that “certain elements of this training are or can be physically and/or mentally taxing, and in some cases potentially hazardous”; and with this knowledge agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the COMPANY and its affiliates from all losses caused by negligence, accident, or incident of any kind during the participation, performance and execution of techniques or instruction provided by the COMPANY , its Instructor, his or her assistants, and any third parties who may be affiliates of the same training, class, or events.  By checking the box, (check box) q  - and/or participating the Participant acknowledges and assumes “All Risks” and still wishes to participate in the activities offered by the COMPANY .     



Before deciding to participate in “Any” College, Trade School, and/or Military Base Tours of any kind offered by Real Brothers Academic, Life & Athletics Training Company, You certify and understand that RBSA LLCs and its affiliates will not be held responsible for ANY ACTIONS OR OUTCOMES that take place outside of our scope and as a personal choice by Participant whether willingly or unwillingly.  Notwithstanding these risks, I wish to assume them by voluntarily participating in this activity and in any travel associated with this activity.  As such, I am aware that I should review my personal insurance portfolio, especially accident/medical coverages before deciding to participate. 


Image Capture / Interior Page

At any of our events it is likely that your image might be captured when participating and/or receiving acknowledgements or awards. Therefore, by participating you agree to let RBSA LLCs, and its affiliates use the Participant’s name and likeness free of charge in any manner and for any purpose without compensation to me or the Participant.


E-Sign Consent

By checking this box, I acknowledge and agree to this E-Sign Consent, and I understand that by doing so, I am making the above certifications and signing each of the electronic agreements, disclosures, releases and other documents related for myself in my individual capacity if I am “The Participant”, or in my representative capacity of the “Minor” associated, and I acknowledge that I have received and agree to the terms and conditions of these electronic agreements, disclosures, and other documents related.


Partnership / Sponsor

We Reserve the Right to Refuse a  Brand, Product, Person and/or Service from being admitted, displayed, communicated, and/or represented in any way, shape, form, or fashion, without exception, explanation, consideration or any other promise offered by Staff, Administration, Company, Contract, or Third Party of any kind.


* I understand that this document is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the state in which the activity is taking place and agree that if any portion of the Agreement is invalid, it will be settled by Arbitration between Parties, and the remainder will continue in full legal force and effect.

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